All of us want to make friends. All of us want to touch others’ hearts. All of us want to influence others. But we don’t know how to do that?
So here I’m going to give you some tips and tricks that you can use to win people.
Appreciate others: Who don’t like an appreciation? We all love to be appreciated. A little appreciation means a lot, and it won’t cost you anything. But your little appreciation can motivate the other person to do better. So from the next time you see someone doing good or trying hard, spare a moment to appreciate. Always give an honest appreciation.
Be a good listener: To be a good conversationalist, you’ve to be a good listener. Pay attention to what the other person is saying. Don’t interrupt while speaking. Make eye contact. Above all, show genuine interest.
If you’re wrong, admit it!: I’ve seen many people standing to their point even after knowing they are wrong. Why? Cause it hurts their ego to accept themselves wrong. And its result is horrible. Your relationship fades. People don’t consider you like a lively conversationalist. It’s normal for us to make mistakes. There is nothing to be ashamed of it. When you know that you’ve mistaken, admit it quickly and emphatically.
Respect others’ opinions: We all have our struggles. Our estimations depend on our experience. I review books, and I’ve seen every person has a unique viewpoint on the same book. It’s natural. If you disagree with them, that’s fine. Just listen to them attentively, and point out your areas of disagreement. Respect their opinions and think about their issues.
Don’t criticize, condemn, talk ill of others: I don’t think this point needs any discussion.